Pursuing Adventures

Continuing the pursuit, pounding pathways of adventures.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy Anniversary Bettye and Earl

August 8, 2013 – Happy Anniversary Bettye and Earl – no. 43. Plus, Bettye got her nails done today! After picking up Bettye, the Coonheels are off to Chester, Mahone Bay and Lunenburg to continue touring St. Margaret’s Bay Region.
Gems for the day included:

               Dinghy sailboat races in Chester

Lunch at The Biscuit Eater in Mahone Bay:





Fisheries Museum and water front in Lunenburg

Non-gem for the day:
Bettye missed last step exiting the RV and wrenched her back. Not good. At least tomorrow is a planned downtime day so she will get to rest and medicate all day.

Happy trails!

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