Pursuing Adventures

Continuing the pursuit, pounding pathways of adventures.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

After leaving the Halifax region we traveled 240 miles to Baddeck on Cape Breton Island. Our center of operations for four days would be Baddeck Cabot Trail Campground near one entrance to the Cabot Trail. From here we would travel to tour the Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Baddeck, travel parts of the world famous Cabot Trail, perhaps take in a music concert and maybe eat some lobster.

The Alexander Graham Bell Museum exhibits show how Bell and his associates achieved Canada’s first powered flight with the Silver Dart, produced the fastest boat in the world, made improvements to the phonograph, designed giant kites and, of course, invented the telephone. Hands-on activities, original artifacts, films and photographs all help to make for a delightful and informative tour. Bell’s contributions to improving communication methods for the deaf are noteworthy.

Silver Dart  Replica                                                                      
We enjoyed a picnic lunch at the museum with a superb view of Bras d’Or Lake.

Lunch with Dr. Bell

Bras d'Or Lake

The evening was spent enjoying a concert at Baddeck Ceilidh Gathering featuring Cape Breton fiddle and piano music along with square dancing and step dancing – very talented, entertaining musicians and dancers performing traditional Scottish songs.

Foot stomping only, no hand clapping
Volunteer dancers from the audience

While the recommended time to spend on the Cabot Trail is 3 – 5 days, we traveled it in one day. Over 20 pull-off viewpoints along the trail provided ample opportunities for spectacular views of the mountains, plateaus, St. Lawrence Gulf and Atlantic Ocean – especially look-offs at French, North and MacKenzie mountains.

Margaree Fish Hatchery tour was unplanned, but we are glad we stopped.

Our favorite section of Cabot Trail is Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

St. Lawrence Gulf
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Fisherman's Cove

Delightful dining at Bell Buoy featuring lobster, fresh oysters and seafood – grilled salmon and French soup for Michael, pan fried halibut for Darlene and Earl (smoked salmon appetizer) and for Bettye, you guessed it, shrimp cocktail, lobster with seafood chowder.

Bell Buoy Restaurant in Baddeck
Happy Trails!

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